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Welcome to onepane! In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to create an account and get started. Onepane has a smooth onboarding process.

Signing up

  1. Visit the Website

    Open your web browser and go to Onepane.

  2. Access the Home Page

    Look for a "Start for free" button on the homepage. Click on it.

    Onepane homepage

  3. Provide Your Information

    You will be taken to the sign up page, where you need to provide the following information:

    • First Name && Last Name: Enter your full name.
    • Email Address Provide a valid email address that you have access to.
    • Phone Provide a valid phone number that you have access to.
    • Password Create a strong password. Make sure it meets any requirements specified on the page (e.g., minimum length, special characters).
    • Confirm Password: Re-enter the password to confirm it.

    Onepane signup

  4. Accept Privacy policy, Terms & conditions

    Carefully read through the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

  1. Submit Your Registration

    • Click the "Sign Up" or "Register" button to submit your registration information.